Spiritual Discoveries Through Meditations
What I really like about any beginnings is the naivety of any beginner; no fear, no bad experiences to make one careful, complete trust in life that everything will turn out okay and an aura of freedom to do whatever the heart is set on. When we find out about spirituality for the very first time we almost feel the same way. And it seems very easy in the beginning; we have the knowledge, we understand what all the books and teachers are talking about, so we only have to start practicing it to change our lives around. At that point we are usually very optimistic, full of hope, wishing for the stars. And this is great and beautiful! So how come it is not happening?! It is because of what all the past bad experiences have done to us or, being more precise, without realizing on conscious level what we let them do to us. If something important happens we give it an emotional weight which is stored in our subconsciousness and later will reflect on our future reactions, and they will re...